Training Opportunities January 5 – 11

Thank you for your hard work and exceptional commitment to guest service during the holidays!

Training is back, check out the listings for the week of January 5 – 11, and register in your schedule!

[tabby title=”Alpine Training”]

Date Start Time Hours Clinic Name Clinician
Mon, Jan 5 EN 12:30 PM 3 Headed to the Mountain:LH Daigle
Mon, Jan 5 LH 9:00 AM 3 Skills to Pay the Bills:LH Daigle
Tue, Jan 6 LH 9:00 AM 3 Family Privates Evans
Tue, Jan 6 LH 12:30 PM 3 Teaching Playgrounds Evans
Wed, Jan 7 GP 9:00 AM 3 Headed to the Mountain:GP Picken
Wed, Jan 7 GP 12:30 PM 3 Skills to Pay the Bills:GP Picken
Thu, Jan 8 MV 12:30 PM 3 Ski with a Top Performer:VV Fritz
Thu, Jan 8 VV 9:00 AM 3 Teaching Cycle Morath
Fri, Jan 9 MV 12:30 PM 3 Changing it up in the Blue Zone Alonzo
Fri, Jan 9 GP 9:00 AM 3 Core Skiing Demos Alonzo
Sat, Jan 10 EN 12:30 PM 3 Headed to the Mountain:LH Daigle
Sat, Jan 10 LH 9:00 AM 3 Skills to Pay the Bills:LH Daigle
Sun, Jan 11 MV 12:30 PM 3 Max3 Teaching and MA Webster
Sun, Jan 11 VV 9:00 AM 3 Ski with a Top Performer:VV Webster

[tabby title=”Snowboard Training”]

Date Start Time Hours Clinic Name Clinician
Wed, Jan 7 GP 9:00 AM 3 Changing it up in the Blue Zone Rich Wedlake
Wed, Jan 7 MV 12:30 PM 3 Core Riding and Demos Rich Wedlake
Sat, Jan 10 GPC 5:00 PM 1.5 Great Riding Cole Dissinger
Sun, Jan 11 LH 9:00 AM 3 Changing it up in the Blue Zone Kylie Dwyer
Sun, Jan 11 EN 12:30 PM 3 Core Riding and Demos Kylie Dwyer
