Mentor Program

The Vail Ski and Snowboard School Mentor Program is another way for experienced instructors to influence the development of our newly hired staff. By spending a few hours a month with a fledgling instructor, you can share knowledge and experience that will raise their performance and help them feel welcome in this exciting environment.

2016-17 Program

We are going to focus on beliefs, opportunities, and professional performance levels. We will develop these ideas by setting up questions for NH’s and Mentors to ask each other in small groups at Mentor Sessions.

Goal of Mentor Sessions

Guide new employees to believe in development and have clear achievable targets, know how to utilize our training and opportunities, and understand we expect their best and that we will always challenge them to become their best.

Create Belief

-Vail is World Class (How do we meet that standard)
-Give NH’s achievable target(s) to aim for

Encourage Opportunities

-Be active (Training off the bell/Cert training/Logan/National Academy)
-Take advantage (Development/ Cert Reimbursement/ Wage increase)

Challenge New Hires to be Their Best

-Personal Development as an expectation
-Track Progress
-Develop skills for the future

If you’re interested in becoming a Vail Ski and Snowboard School Mentor, please contact Alex “Darby” Darbut, Vail Village Training Manager.